
Why Is Your Laptop So Slow? Try These 20 Fixes

Why Is Your Laptop So Slow? Try These…

If your laptop is starting to slow down, you’re not the only one facing this issue, as it’s a common scenario. Laptops tend to slow down over time, for a variety of reasons. While some can’t be fixed, there are many reasons why a laptop runs slower than usual, which…

Want to Enable On Screen Keyboard Display? Here Are 6 Ways

Want to Enable On Screen Keyboard Display? Here…

Have you ever thought of using a keyboard without an external keyboard? Windows provides an on-screen keyboard display option (also called OSK) that allows you to type even if you don’t have access to a physical keyboard. It’s beneficial with a touchscreen, but you can also use it to order…

How to Rotate Laptop Screen: Simple And Easy Ways

How to Rotate Laptop Screen: Simple And Easy…

Have you ever thought of watching videos in portrait mode? Or maybe you’d rather read your Twitter or Facebook feed on a full screen. if you are a programmer and want to look at your laptop screen vertically. In this article, we are going to talk about how to rotate…

Is It Okay To Use Laptop While Charging? Why Or Why Not?

Is It Okay To Use Laptop While Charging?…

In nowadays’s fast-paced world, laptops have grown to be a crucial part of our lives. Whеthеr it’s for work, еnjoymеnt, or staying connеctеd with lovеd onеs, wе rеly closеly on thеsе portablе dеvicеs. With such high utilization, it’s no wonder that quеstions about laptop battеry lifе and usеfulnеss arе common.…

How to Clean Laptop: Pro Tips and Step-by-Step Guide

How to Clean Laptop: Pro Tips and Step-by-Step…

Often, it is necessary to clean your laptop at home as it picks up dirt from all your activities. If your laptop is placed in an environment that is liable to dirt or bad air flow, debris of dirt and dirt can be acquired on your laptop keyboard, screen, and…

Is Your Laptop Overheating? How Can You Fix It?

Is Your Laptop Overheating? How Can You Fix…

Laptops, just like most modern-day devices, have become greater compact with every passing year. While there is no way the manufacturers might forestall enhancing the overall performance in their laptops, there’s a hassle that is regularly related to such high-performance machines overheating. A lot of instances, you may have noticed…